I'll definately send pics!! We chked bait first time so far this year (late late spring and some snow still hanging on) as we have to move it a bit (too many trees fell down at old site)and this real good track (just over 5", big toes, pigeon toed) was on the road right where we go to bait. Bait is all set up now so we will check on Monday and see what is going on. Excited!!

Joe -- I did try the Axis 500s (516 gr) that I used out of Jack's other bow (same weight, same length, different woods - all Zebrawood) and they were too weak in spine (could see a bit of a kick and in paper tuning showed too weak). Went to Axis 400s I had that son uses out of his recurve (30 1/4) and they shot good actually - 541 gr. Bit faster by 10fps, the same kinetic energy but about 10% less momentum. I wanted to go to the CE as they had the wood look and match the bow better - arrows are heavier per inch and had to keep them longer to get them to spine right and that upped the weight big time. Definately hit hard!!