Ok, here is the set-up.
A week into the season, you have moved into a new area. Three days of hunting, well, actually looking, you find a really nice buck that you would like to take home.
It's about 1:30, the wind has been pretty reliable, but you can see the afternoon clouds forming up as they have been doing all week. The buck appears to be alone and is bedded down in a mediocre spot, could be better, could be worse. It's going to take you an hour, hour and a half to get yourself in postion.
You are not alone in the area, you seen the occasional cowboy and have passed by several camps of hunters...but it's a large area.
So, do you go after him NOW, or save him for tomorrow?
Tomorrow you could get to your vantage point early, spot him, put him to bed, and have the late morning and the rest of the day to make your stalk...that is if he is still there!!
Today, well nothing is certain and a bedded buck is the opportunity you have been dreaming about all winter. Sure, it could be a better situation but nothing is ever certain hunting big bucks.
What's it gonna be??