During the St. Jude auction last year one of the offerings really caught my attention. Don and Skyler Wilson put together a package that included a 2011 spring bowfishing trip on the waters of Alabama near their home. The trip was offered for two people. My good friend Jeff Springer (Tippit), partnered up in the auction, and with a little judicious bidding we found ourselves as winners on the package.
We hoped to time the trip to coincide with the spring spawning activity. Don suggested that late April/early May might be ideal. It just so happens that the Tennessee Classic shoot was the last weekend in April, so it was an easy decision to combine the bowfishing trip with a visit to a shoot I had always thought about attending.
It had been a long cold spring here in Wisconsin, and I was really looking forward to rushing the season a bit by heading south for a week with good friends.
The real purpose of the trip was the bowfishing, but a few days at the Tennessee Classic were worth the drive all by themselves. I've been to a lot of different shoots, both large and small, but this one is really something special. It's more like a big family reunion than a 3D shoot, and we spent a great weekend with some of the finest people you could ever want to meet.
Making bows and knapping rocks were just about an around the clock activity for many of the participants.