All right so the honeymoon and hangover are gone, its time to get to work on this project
We have had record snowfalls in this end of the state 247% above normal, so I am not sure what that is going to do to my sheep hunt,
I am sure it will be mid august befor we can get over the continental divide, my unit lays on both the east side as well as the west side of the divide, and there are sheep on both, but the west side has never been hunted (at least in the last 200 years) for sheep, and I really want to get over there, not only the fact there is probably some very good size rams, but no one has ever killed a sheep in that country, and being the first to do somthing is far more important (at least to me) then inches of horn matter.
So this is how it really starts:
almost every morning "we" meaning the wife, lab, kid and I sit around the breakfast table discussing sheepy looking areas, old sheep sightings, routes, terrain, etc. etc. etc.
since its going to be a while: taken from my back yard
snow covered peak on the far left is the northern boundry of my area
its is time to prep equipment as well- think I will hunt with this old warrior, a well known sheep hunter built this for me back in 1983, still shoots like a rocket, has taken a lot of game, very good mojo
here are a couple of lion and winter kills from this unit we have found
some from last year, date was messed up on the camera,
I think I would take a poke at this one?
although I wouldnt shoot this guy, he is going to be a tremendous ram, saw him just recently, we call him Ibex
just a couple more of the locals
well thats all for now,
getting in sheep shape,equipment prep, map scouting, and most of all thanking God everyday for providing the Rocky Mountains my home.