Man was I ever suprised today when I took my youngest and a good friend with me to go do some shooting. You see I injured my right shoulder 2 months ago, and finally went to the doctor after 6 weeks of pain. She told me I tore some tendons that connect my muscles. I have been having trouble drawing my bow, but I just limited my activity so as not get any bad habits started.
Well today, I pulled up my bow for the first shot, and I couldn't even pull my bow back 6" I was floored. I let down, and tried again with the same results. My longbow is 57# @ 28", so I borrowed a 45# Kodiak Hunter and got a couple shots off with that one, but once I got home, I was finding it difficult to get to anchor with that one.
I just wanted to share with you my pain, and to hopefully motivate someone that injures themselves, to seek help sooner than I did. Believe me, you don't want to find out you can't draw your own bow. It's a humbling experience.