IMO, it does NOT come down to who "owns" the animals, an outfitter may spend weeks or even months preparing for the season, scouting, building blinds, putting out stands, setting up camps, training guides etc.. There are no limitless numbers of trophy animals anywhere and the outfitter quite probably has thousands of dollars invested in the hunting area. So when someone shows up and obviously dosn't care how many animals they shoot or wound, it isn't going to sit well. The guides and outfitters want happy customers and good hunters make their job easy, bad hunters make a miserable camp for everyone. I've worked for outfitters on private land and they had to pay a trophy on every animal hit, they had no choice, but to pass that along. Every hunter has the option to go where they want, BUT to me a wounding policy, in writing is evidence that they are serious and ethical. Any outfitter that tells me they care how many animals I wound, I won't be going there, obviously they don't care about hunting or ethics. I've had hunters that I specifically and repeatedly told to do or not do something and they did it anyways and resulted in a wounded and lost animal. I've WATCHED a hunter gut shoot a big boar hog and then deny he even shot and refuse to waste "his" hunting time looking for it. Remember it takes that guide/outfitter just as much effort and sometimes more to have you shoot and wound an animal as it does to drop it perfectly. Having said all that, things do happen even to the best of hunters and in my experience, guides/outfitters sometimes make exceptions, even when its not deserved.