I can strongly recommend the Shrews. I have never shot any of them except those built by Gregg Coffey, and they are spectacular, especially the ones with the latest materials. They are well worth the wait. I like the looks of the Big Jim Thunderchild and the Hoots bows, but I don't have any experience shooting them. I like the idea of getting the first one available and then ordering the Shrew that you like best. I am about to go outside and shoot two of my Shrews in preparation for leaving in less than 10 days for my buff hunt in Australia.
Morrisons are great too, but all mine are the three piece models which are a different animal than the others being discussed. Bob has made one piece models in the past, but I don't think he is building them at this time.
Keep a sharp eye on the classifieds and something may very well turn up. Just don't hesitate to buy if you see something that works. I think the average time for a Shrew Classic Hunter or a Big Jim Thunderchild to sell after it is first listed is about an hour. The exceptions are ones that are heavier than average. Seeing a used takedown for sale in either bow is just a little more likely than spotting a unicorn.