I have not prosessed the turkey feathers yet. I was going to make up some hunting arrows this fall with the "assitant" feathers.
I did however use a turkey secondary on one because I was short 1 feather, and I had a left wing secondary laying around.
I figured since these will be target arrows, I would just use up the accesories (ie feathers, tips and nocks) I had laying around.
Most of the feathers you see are just natural barred feathers i ordered last fall from one of the retailers on this site. Problem was, they were only about 8.5 inches long and I could only get 1 fletch out of each.
The whites however, were all almost 12 inches long. I traded some sheild cuts for them. I dont know where he got them, but I would like to find out.
Tonight I will be cutting and tapering them to 29 3/4 iches long BOP.
remember that childrens bow I picked up last night? It came with a free target. I will test shoot them into this target, so in essence I will be tesrting the arrows and target.
That's a lot of variables, dont know if I can handle it