Anyone who has ordered a custom bow knows the anticipation waiting for it to be done, and the excitement when that slip shows up inthe mailbox telling you to pick up a box at the post office.
For me, its like waiting for Christmas morning as a kid. And I've once again endured the wait.
My 3rd MOAB arrived home today, and as I've been accustomed to, Jim did a beautiful job. This one,yet to be named, will join its siblings on the Thunderstick rack. The new arrival is a 60" takedown, Bubunga riser, and Jim snuck in an Ebony accent, antler overlays on the tips,action-boo limbs and weighing it at 56#@27".
This bow has but one purpose in life, to hunt elk. To go further,higher, deeper and longer through the mountains, following the sound of the bugle, and the fragrance of a fresh wallow.
And should it all come together, to deliver its payload to an unsuspecting bull.
Im still healing from elbow surgery, and not supposed to shoot for at least another month, but.....I just had to. Just a couple shots, which as I've come to expect, arrived precisely where I was lookin.
Yes, I am a Thunderstick junkie. This is my 3rd MOAB. I love 'em all.