So Fri arrives, I head up to Salt Lake to pick Shane up from the airport, in the rain. We head back down to my place to pick up a couple things, in the rain. Then head up to the bait I moved, in the rain. Get the Theme? :rolleyes:
When we get up to the bait, nothing has been on it. It is too late to go to the new bait, as it's a 2 mile hike in, so Shane elects to sit and hope. After a 4 hour sit, nothing. I was pretty bummed. I was excited to be hunting with a good friend who I don't get to hunt with much, but I couldn't get the depressing feeling to leave. Shane came through again, and we talked for quite a while about the situation.
We decided to head up to the new bait the next day.This would leave 2 nights to try to get it done. This new bait site is 2 miles in on a four wheeler trail. I had access to a wheeler, but had heard that this was not an established trail. Well after ther fiasco the previous week, we were not about to chance riding up on this trail, even though it was being used constantly. So we loaded our packs, with between 50-70 lbs of gear and food and headed in.
This bait was in a pine filled draw, the north slopes still having 2 ft of snow on them. This is in a really neat place. We hit the ridge and start down to the bait. We get 70 yards away and hear a "WOOF" and a bunch of crashing. I had already been in a dropped a bit of bait off and we already had a bear on it!