We continued to sit and sit, with the feeling that the bear would soon show up, but as with all hunting, nothing is a gaurantee, and tonight was no exception. Nothing showed and at dark we made out 2 mile journey back out to camp under a breath taking array of stars.
We discussed the next days plans and decided to get up and head to the other bait, check to see if it was hit, if not come back. The next morning broke beautiful, with a gorgeous red sunrise. We got to the bait to find it in the same condition it was in on Fri night. Down came the stand and out we went. We knew where we would be sitting the final day.
The hike in went faster due to the lessened weight. This time when we got to the top, before Shane moved in, I suggested he drop his pack and sneak in to the bait while i waited back. It was about 2 pm. He came back about 30 minutes later, telling me the wind was all wrong the entire time. He swore he heard the 5 gallon bucket drop.
We approached the bait to find it had indeed been hit. I had left a jar of scent there, and found it down the hill a ways. When I picked it up, it was wet. We checked the trail camera.
Although the date and time is wrong, the bear had been there just before us. Man what an unpredictable bear. Two days in a row it was there around noon. We did another "crack" burn, and while fighting Shane off the burn material, we decided to move my stand to the side.