WOW - I guess I've been spending all my TG time over on the auction threads!
Roy - as I've said before, my views about TG are with a different set of eyes than me, it's more about the people here.......we just happen to have a common interest in traditional bowhunting! All the members that I've met and had the privilege to spend time with (as well as the members that I've only written to in this virtual world), I consider my brothers and sisters. I cherish their friendship more than most will know. You, my friend, know of what I speak!
As I said when I posted about Steve's and my sponsorship: for the life of me, I couldn't think of anyone more deserving. Take the time to re-read the replies to this post. I doubt that there is another soul on TG that would disagree.
I figure that you have "paid it forward" a thousand fold +. And I know you will continue to do so. It is IN your character. It's who you are. Tony Van Dort said it best: "Every day he makes a difference in the lives of many folks....he is one that will light a candle rather than curse the darkness..."
I'll quote this guy called "Mudd": "The more you give of yourself, the more you get in return."
Steve and I did what I believe any other members would have done.....and the kids at St. Judes will benefit. As Cody stated: "The kids need the money exponentially more than I do."
As for TGMM: "You'll do well, Pilgrim" for Rob's tattooing gear............