robtattoo- yes, possibly i'll use this for hunting. They removed the minimum draw weight requirement here in Kansas. This is the only trad bow I have, and the Boss has spoken, that if I want another bow, I have to be using the 3 I have. (my other 2 are a 1984 Indian compound at 50#, and a 1991 Oneida Aeroforce, currently at 60#, 65% LO).
I'm not quite tuned on the Oneida, and am now wanting to get this one up and shooting. The whole reason for using stu's calculator, is to get me in the ballpark. I'm not looking for a simple solution, I'm aware there is no such thing. I just don't have the disposable income right now to go out and buy 6 arrows of one spine and hope they are close.
my rest is adjustable from 3/16 past centercut to centercut.
Rob D, if you tell me yours was a 1966 model, that'll be one heck of a coincidence, and i'll ask you if you remember the serial number. :D
if perhaps using the calculator isn't such a good idea, maybe someone can point me in the direction i should be looking for arrows?
there's only 2 places here that i know of where i can get anything somewhat resembling customer service. the small shop, the guy seems to think i should be using full length 600 spine carbons. the other place is gander, and the guy there says with my draw i should be using 400 spine. the guy at gander also asked why i was interested in having the arrows a full inch over my draw length. between the two, i have no idea what i need. i've also had the recommendation for 500 spine. this is why i was trying to do research myself, especially after having seen the calculator advocated quite a bit while browsing the topics here.
all i know is i'd like 3/4 to an inch past the shelf, so 31.25-31.5 inches, with a point weight of 125gr. i'd rather not use wood. i'm willing to consider aluminum or carbon. can someone please give me a few suggestions that should get me close?