Not much of a story teller so I'll make it short. We where in Canada for 7 days of evening hunts and morning pike fishing.
On the 3rd day my cousin scored on this boar. He got in stand around 2 and this bear came in around 6. He really was trying to hold out for a bigger bear so he let him feed for 15 minutes before he left. After the bear left he started thinking hey I'm hunting with a recurve if he comes back he's mine. About 8 he came back and that was it. The shot was 15 yards. He was shooting a 60@28 MA3 with 2117 and zwickey heads. The bear went only 40 yards.

I got my bear on the 5 night. I had been in stand since noon and it started raining shortly there after. About 6:30 it stopped raining, ten minutes laters a small bear starts working his way in. I had never killed a bear and only had a day left so I was going to take him if he gave me the chance. He got within 40 yards and started becoming very nervous and left. Dang it. 9 o'clock he reappears in the same area where he left from earlier and starts to come back in. He's in no hurry and gets within 20 yards walking toward me when he stops and runs back the way he came. I am just standing, staring at the woods where he went in thinking hes gone and not coming back. When I suddenly caught movement almost directly below me. There was a bigger bear at 6 yards thats why he took off. The bear make a couple more steps and I center mass him quartering away. At the hit he bites at the arrow and takes off. As soon as he is out of site I hear the death moan. I was shooting a 60@28 PSA3 easton axis 340 w/ 100 grain brass insert and 175 grain woodsman elite.