Going to try this. Post an e-mail we got back from IRAQ. (OPERATION FULL DRAW) started last winter. The 40th MP had the chance to start a TRAD ARCHERY range. But they did not have any equipment. So us cheese heads took care of that. In behalf of the hole TRAD ARCHERY world. You know it was just our time to help. I gota send my thanks to all that contributed to the cause. Sounds like it is going off with a large arm slap. And maybe a broken arrow.
> Ladies and Gentlemen,
> I am the First Sergeant for the 59th Military Police Company, stationed here
> in Iraq under the 40th MP Bn (I/R). We are some of the people that will get
> to enjoy traditional instinctive archery, thanks to all of your generous
> donations. We have been working very hard to set up our range ever since
> all the boxes arrived from the States. I am pleased to say, that today will
> be our grand opening. I wanted to personally thank each and every one of
> you for bringing this to us over here. Please extend our gratitude to all
> the others that had a part in making Operation Full Draw come to life. I
> think it is awesome that on a day we remember our Fallen; we can open this
> range, and know that great Americans stand behind us every day. We named
> the range "3 Rivers Archery Range, Sponsored by WTA". This was for two
> reasons; first, Iraq has three main rivers that connect, the Shatt al-Arab,
> the Euphrates, and the Tigris. The second reason was because one of the
> donations was a gift card from 3 Rivers Archery Supplies from Ashley, IN, so
> it seemed to fit. We set up the range, where up to four people can shot at
> once as far out as 25 yards. We have an elevated platform and ground firing
> points. We have the three big bags, one turkey, a boar, and a bird that is
> suspended off the ground. The entire range is set up in a grove of very old
> and tall palm trees called the "Oasis". The grove used to be part of Saddam
> Hussein's palace grounds for Al Faw Palace. At 3:00 pm our time today we
> will have a grand opening for everyone stationed here at Camp Cropper and
> Camp Striker. We will definitely be thinking of you today and will let
> everyone know that none of this would be here today, had it not been for all
> of you. On this Memorial Day, for those of you who knew someone who served
> our Nation and paid the highest price, thank you, their sacrifice stays with
> us every day.
> Again,
> Thank you for the Archery Range.
> Archers approach the line!
> Very Respectfully,
> 1SG Hahn, Steven R.
> 59th Military Police Company
> Camp Cropper, Iraq