Originally posted by SEMO_HUNTER:I've never seen that done before either. What's the advantage of burning over chopping? you get to create the feather shapeI chop all mine and it seems like a nicer cut than the burner leaves with not much clean up involved. maybe, maybe not - there are important burning chops to be learnt and there are both good and bad feather burns ... it's not as easy as whacking a feather in a chopper, but once properly understood, burnt feathers are far more precise than those chopped.Also wondering how much harder it is to fletch a feather that wide versus one that's already chopped to the shape you want?piece of cake ... summa you guyz have GOT to check out the 'how to - resources' forum! ... see my fletching vid below ...Thanks for sharing.
Originally posted by Buckwheaties:Can you get 2 5" feathers out of a full length? with a *perfect* full primary, maybe. for the most, no way, ain't gonna happenIf so, is one end of feather different from the other.? yes - the front of any feather has a very full, wide quill base - the tip end can thin down to a pencil line which is just too thin. for the most part, with a *good* feather, i'll get a 5.25" fletch and a 3.5" fletch.Like is it ok to burn one feather from the front and the 2nd from the remainder? yes, i do that all the time with 4" fletchesOr is it just 1 5" per 1 full length? yep, that's about it. i'm careful the way i cut feathers, and i prefer 5.25" lengths for a 3-fletch shield cut. the left over feather, maybe 3.5" if i'm lucky, is used for "throw away" woodiesThx