you will never regret a MOAB, they are the cadillac of longbows. I have 3 of em, 51#@27, 56@27 and 57@28. The 563er is a takedown I just got. I havent chronoed any of 'em, but they fling an arrow plenty quick. Currently on the takedown bow Im shooting a 635 gr arrow with 225 gr tips, and I can hardly get em out of my beat up old wolf target. actually I busted a brand new arrow today tryin to pull one out.
I cant wait to see what that setup does to an elk.
Im in the process of getting ready to move, and while packing up my shop, I was giving some serious thought to selling off all my recurves. I like 'em, but I never shoot 'em anymore. Some have a bit of sentimental value, but when it comes right down to it, I hate seeing a bow collect dust when someone else could be shootin it. I'll decide in a couple weeks what Im gonna do with them.
Ben, what are you running your brace height at on your MOAB's, and where do you measrue from?
I'm runningthem around 6/34-6 7/8 measuring from the string to the edge of ths shelf(string side). To the bottom of the grip it comes out about 7". Just curious where you find works for you.