Brian, you are my new hero! Great story telling and even better integrity. We all know that mmmm.. mmm... missing is part of traditional bowhunting but some choose to leave that part out of the story. It is a disservice to the young and new traditional bowhunters to only hear about the successful hunts. We are so used to seeing the sterilized hunting shows that it appears bowhunting or even traditional bowhunting is easy. It is NOT easy. It takes tons of practice and commitment and even then things sometimes don't go right. Your story actually helped my daughter a bit with her struggles in overcoming her loss of a bear that was hit nearly perfectly. She worked very hard, held herself together amazingly, and even placed her arrow in the spot she was looking, but the end result was not how most videos or TV shows portray it. She lost the bear and was devestated. It is good for her and other young hunters to see that experienced and great hunters don't always have a perfect ending.
Thank you so much for your integrity and self-confidence in sharing your miss AND your success. Congratulations.