Thank you Rob!
We opened it yesterday morning. What a treat! Brand new... Clark had never had a brand new guitar before. He was so tickled that I got him that, right out of the blue. Total surprise. The extras were a big bonus, the bag, tuner and extra strings for acoustic. Clark sat behind that thing and tentatively plucked a string. It was in perfect tune! The surprise and pleasure on his face was so good to see! His old guitar seems to eat strings. I have never seen it with a full, functional set. I guess it is stressed, and instead of sitting and fretting, it just breaks them.
Clark was likely not knowing what to do with all those fully functional strings, instead of the eight or nine that his old twelve-string usually harbored. He played with it for about twenty minutes before I showed him what time it was.
We had to get to work, so we packed it back up and tucked it into a safe place. Clark worked till past midnight, and it looks like he will be doing it again tonight... his hours are really sucky, basically two shifts a day. He got two hours of sleep last night. I seldom see him, but at least he has work. The new guitar is a joyful thing to contemplate, though, and when he finally has a day off, I know that he will be at it again. He used to play more, when he had more time and we were younger. It is great to hear him make music again, and he needs some play in his life when work is being such a grind.
Thank you for donating such a beautiful instrument, and for putting a smile on both of our faces. The smiles of relieved parents of sick children are the best thing of all, and my thanks go to all of the people who make the yearly St. Jude auction such a success.