It's an empty question without first establishing what your arrows weigh, what sort of broadheads you use, how good a shot you are when a 600-pound deer with a tree on its head is blowing snot and screaming in your face and you've just climbed a steep slope at 10,000 feet altitude ... and how close you can get. Answer those Absolutely Essential Questions, and we can then intelligently and ethically discuss what weight bow to use. And only then.
For what's it's worth, this year I'll be shooting 55# with 610 grains of wood at 170 fps, 2-blade broadheads, and proven ambush set-up for 14 yards. Through long practice, this is a sure thing for a pass-through and quick kill (to heck with "bleeder blades for good blood trails" if you can get them down within sight) ... unless I shoot 3 feet over the monster's back from staring at the antlers even while chanting "pick a spot! pick a spot!"
Why bring a sandwich to a banquet? Come prepared. Return home guiltless, even if not always "successful." dave