Biggie Hoffman once wrote, "an animal taken with traditional gear is an accomplishment; not necessarily a trophy." I agree with that wholeheartedly. A trophy should represent a pinnacle, a lofty goal, an outstanding animal. I went to Canada to shoot a bear, and that's what I did.
Bill Langer's signature line says, "Traditional Bowhunting; it's not about inches or antlers." We choose to hunt the way we do because it's pure, it's difficult, and it satifies a need within us to prove to ourselves that we may have a chance to survive if things get tough.
Uncle Barry told another Quester, "It's YOUR hunt; you're the only one that matters" There were 12 bears taken by 15 hunters. I didn't hear a single man in camp say they were disappointed with their hunt. From Larry who killed the first night, to Bill Terry, who didn't SEE a bear until the last fifteen minutes of the week (after sitting through a thunderstorm without a raincoat) and then delivering a killing shot to his 301st big game animal as the clock ran down. Even the three who chose NOT to take shots claimed to have had wonderful hunts. This is what Bear Quest is all about.
I can't seem to make this camp an annual event, but I WILL hunt, to kill a bear, and maybe someday take a trophy....