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Author Topic: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts  (Read 50351 times)

Offline BlkDog

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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #380 on: June 29, 2011, 08:28:00 PM »
Bowdoc, You took some great pictures.  Thank you for sharing.  I am kicking myself for not taking a bunch while there.  I might have to swipe a few from your photo album.

Offline BlkDog

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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #381 on: June 29, 2011, 08:58:00 PM »
After some much needed sleep, Sunday morning arrives.  Hot coffee is brewing and folks are stirring.  A few mugs of Bowdocs finest high test, a little breakfast, and we are all off on bait runs.  

Things are looking good for everyone.  Nearly all the stands were cleaned out and the unoccupied Mile Marker 42 was licked clean with a sizeable track in the grease pit.  Of those I checked, only the Long Trail and the Glove still had sweets.  No one was hunting the Glove.  I could tell the Long Trail was still hit although a third of the sweets remained.  It was probably the small bear that I a seen a track from yesterday.  

I was optimistic that others were going to have some action tonight.  As for the Long Trail, I would see happens.

Offline Yellow Dog

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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #382 on: June 29, 2011, 09:11:00 PM »
Jay, keep it coming  :thumbsup:

Bowdoc, thanks for all the great pics, for a while I though maybe your camera broke after week one. Now the week two pics are starting to show up. There must be a method to your madness   :)    :)    :)
TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline BlkDog

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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #383 on: June 29, 2011, 10:20:00 PM »
We all regrouped from the bait runs about noon or 1 o'clock.  As always, Bowdoc is prepared to stuff us for our mid-day meal.  A big family of traditional bowhunters together for a meal.

We compare notes from the bait trips and anxiously await the evening hunt.  A few cat naps or practice shots fill afternoon as we wait to mobilize for the evening hunt sometime between 2 and 4.

CJ decided to hunt Mile Marker 42 and would drop Brian off at the Roller Coaster which would save me a little time.  Charles and I would head out together.  I grabbed a quick shower to keep my scent down, got dressed and we were off shortly after 3.

The notes Chris left stuck with me.  The day prior, I climbed down at about 9:10 knowing it was to early to leave. I was beat and had two folks to pick up and they were miles apart. Chris previously reported a bear liked to show up about 9:30 pm. This time I would stay until dark.

As I dropped Charles off at Big Bear (the Beaver Pond), I cautioned him that I would probably be 30 or 45 minutes later tonight when I pick him up.  "Not a problem.  I'll just start walking out if you are not there."  I wished him luck.

A short while later I arrived at the Long Trail.  The bugs were horrendous although it was fairly cool.  I crept in, scattered some of Kip's butterscotch chips and some marshmallows at preferred shot locations.  I then settled in for the evening.  

The stand was higher than past years, maybe to high for the best shot placement.  I surveyed the area noting each bear trail, imagining the bears approach, and remembering all the shadows and stumps that would later catch my attention as I wondered if a beast was slipping in.  

I was familiar with the trail on the left that Chris left in his notes.  I have seen bears approach in a similar fashion in the past.  There was also a note that he was busted by a bear that approached from behind.  I was very familiar with that scenario.  I had never seen a bear come from behind, but been busted twice by bears coming out of the swamp immediately behind the stand.  

The squirrels and hares kept me company throughout the evening.  As always one boss red squirrel ruled the crib.  An occasional chipmunk would slip in and stuff their cheeks to the max.  Again, the hares chomped away on the butter scotch chips scattered about.  

All was quite.  About 7 pm I heard stick break high on the hill in front of the stand. Later I would also hear an occasional breif rustle of willows deep in the swamp behind me.  Just the occasional sound that let you know you were not alone.  Good news I thought.  I stayed as still as possible as darkness approached.  

9 pm came and went.  All was quite.  Light started to fade in the timber.  I remembered the note, "comes from the left at 9:30."  I was sticking it out till the end.  With an occasional glance to the left, I would scan the trail and hillside....Nothing.  I remember the rustling willows in the swamp, but refuse to turn around to check the trail.  I slowly turn my head about an inch to the left and strain my eyes to see as far behind me as possible.

Offline BlkDog

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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #384 on: June 29, 2011, 11:09:00 PM »
Through the hemlock braches, I make out some black.  Slowly rotating my head another half inch I can see a head centered in the trail, surveying the area.  That was as much as I needed to see.  They were coming out of the swamp from directly behind.  

I sat motionless and waited watching the trail to my left.  The bear slowly and confidently approaches, satisfied that all was well.  The wind cooperated, taking my scent in the opposite direction.  Next, another bear approaches, following the first.  Through the corner of my eye, I could tell it was smaller and fairly ragged..well rubbed and lanky. I focused my attention on the large bear.  Nice coat and I estimated at least 170, probably bigger.  The big bear went straight to the barrel. It had a nice coat and seemed to only get it's head and paws in the barrel.  The smaller bear was timid, nervously sneaking in to steal marsh mellows while the larger bear was occupied.  Each time the bigger bear moved it's head, the barrel banged against the crib and the smaller bear retreated.  Although I believed the big bear could be a sow, the other bear was at least a year old and something didn't seem right with how timid it acted.  I decided to take the bigger bear.  

Soon, the bigger bear interrupted it's feeding, and came nose to nose with the smaller bear.  I heard a woof.  The small bear backed away and the big bear turned back to the barrel and stood broadside.  This was it.  

I checked the postion of the far leg, and picked a spot tight to the shoulder that would give me a clean double lung.  As I hit anchor, the bear looked up.  My eyes came off of the spot and we made eye contact..big mistake. I looked back to the shoulder and released.  I watched as my fletching disappeared into the base of the bears neck right in front of the shoulder.  There was no reaction from the bear for the first second or two.  I immediately reached for another arrow.  Although the shot was solid, it wasn't where I wanted and it looked like I would have a second opportunity if I seized the moment.  As I readied the arrow, the bear now began to react.  He took a few quick steps pausing a few yards in front of the stand.  Another few quick steps and he stood quartering away at the side of the crib.  I could hear the faint sound of blood hitting the ground, but I was determined to get a second arrow in he bear.  I came to full draw and the bear began to vacate, traveling straight away up the rise beside the swamp.  I swung with the bear and released.  The shot was good and the bear tipped over.  I stayed in the stand until all was quite and then slipped out to pick up Charles and head back to camp.  

Upon arriving back at camp, we soon learned that Eli and Chad had some excitement.  Eli had taken his first bear.  Not bad for fourteen years old!  Congratulations once again Eli!!

In the morning, we would head out for the recoveries.

Offline BlkDog

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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #385 on: June 29, 2011, 11:28:00 PM »
The next morning Bill Moran, Scott and I headed out to the Long Trail to recover my bear.  Bill quickly spotted the bear.  For once their wasn't any ground shinkage.  In fact, it actually put on a few pounds.  Now I am pretty sure Bill would wrestle just about any bear out there (I'll run the camera), Bill did say "Boy I am glad he wasn't still alive!"

It turned out to be a boar at 205 lbs.

Bill and Scott, the worlds best tracking and hauling crew.  I hope to be a part of recovering your bears next year!


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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #386 on: June 29, 2011, 11:36:00 PM »
Oh, nice bear Jay.  Congrat's.

Offline Whip

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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #387 on: June 30, 2011, 12:01:00 AM »
Look at the head on that thing!! Nice bear Jay!!
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Offline Missouri CK

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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #388 on: June 30, 2011, 12:01:00 AM »

Great job on the bear! Sounds like you played that situation perfectly.  

Wonderful looking head on that boar.  I can't be sure if that was the bear that spooked when I was there but my blink reaction on it was that it had a good head and a crease that was obvious to me (a rookie).

Looks like you got him and that makes me smile!


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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #389 on: June 30, 2011, 12:12:00 AM »
Congratulations, Jay he is a dandy! You've put you're time in over the years and you've earned that brute.   :thumbsup:
TGMM Family of the Bow   A member since 6/5/09

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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #390 on: June 30, 2011, 12:23:00 AM »
What was the out come on the Glove? I hunted it three nights and I saw one bear that came from the NNW. It looked to be in the 110 to 120 pound range as best as I could tell. It stopped about 30 yards out of the crib looked at me and slipped back into the timber.

I had two trail cameras set at that stand and only captured pictures of two different bears. One was a heavy weight and the other looked to be 100 pounds. A new logging road was put in since last year and I think it really changed the activity at that stand.

Did anyone from the second group hunt that stand?
TGMM Family of the Bow   A member since 6/5/09

“I can tell by your hat that you’re not from around here.”

Casher from Brookshires Food Store in Albany, Texas during 2009 Pig Gig

Offline fatman

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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #391 on: June 30, 2011, 12:33:00 AM »
nice bear, Jay, congrats!  :thumbsup:
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Offline tippit

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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #392 on: June 30, 2011, 07:20:00 AM »
Way to go...Congrats on the Big Bear Contest!  Getting 2 arrows into a bear is something else.  Were did that arrow go in front of the shoulder?

Now you get to fish so don't stop reporting...Doc
TGMM Family of the Bow
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Offline d. ward

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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #393 on: June 30, 2011, 07:26:00 AM »
New sheriff in town bd

Offline Kip

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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #394 on: June 30, 2011, 07:31:00 AM »
Congrats Jay   Great bear my friend could not have happened to a nicer guy.Just thinking 12 lbs. could I have stuffed 13 lbs. of rocks down my bears throat.Yea 2-arrows on bears that are wired at the bait site WOW.  :thumbsup:

Offline Barry Wensel

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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #395 on: June 30, 2011, 07:42:00 AM »
Good job Jay. Congrats. In all my years I've never had one stand aound long enough for a second shot. Way to tap in the rebound. You did good. BW

Offline ksbowman

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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #396 on: June 30, 2011, 08:49:00 AM »
Nice bear! Congrats!
I would've taken better care of myself,if I'd known I was gonna live this long!

Offline d. ward

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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #397 on: June 30, 2011, 09:27:00 AM »
great read Jay I love it.I still have more pics of the second week and will get then up asap.The pic of Scott & Bill with your bear ? I hijacked a copy of that one.I use it as a friendly reminder to people who do not pay on time.I send that pic and ask the one simple question do I need to have these guys stop by your place for lunch.That is a classic pic right there bd

Offline d. ward

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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #398 on: June 30, 2011, 09:32:00 AM »
now that the bear is out of the bag.We nic-named Jay's bear clanker.I guess because he would clank on the bucket ???????? bd  

Offline d. ward

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Re: Bear Quest V -- Stories for all Posts
« Reply #399 on: June 30, 2011, 09:35:00 AM »
ahh what the hell I think I'll post up all bd  

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