Day 3
I was planning on packing a pile of food and going out hunting first thing in the morning, but there was a bit of confusion. I wound up running baits on the water with Bill Langer, Bow Doc and Kenny. Going to the stands near the water is a pretty cool experience and I am glad I was able to hit those sites. After we got back, I found out that when the other guys went in to bait my stand, bears were in there fighting! The guys had to leave without baiting the site. I was wondering what I would have seen if I had been able to get in that stand early….
After baiting the other stands with Bill Langer, Bow Doc and Kenny we had some lunch. With another good meal in the books I headed out to my stand. I was in the stand for about an hour before any bear activity started. While I was waiting, the red squirrels entertained me. A number of times they perched in a branch not 8 feet from my head. They are fearless little guys. One squirrel even got cornered in the bucket by a bear on the first night and the bear left it alone!
I digress, so I will get back to the bears now. I heard the squirrels alarm call and heard a branch snap. I KNEW a bear was coming into the bait. Then I saw a large patch of black fur walk past up on the hill in the brush. This bear is a good one and I need to get ready. I pick up my bow and watch the hill as it walks back the other direction. This time I see three small fur balls in tow! I set my bow in the crook of my arm and man the camera for some pictures of the babies! They walked back and forth up on the hill 4 or 5 times before mom and cubs came into the stand site. Even though sows with cubs and the cubs are legal to shoot, I had zero intention of shooting any of them. Pictures would suffice on this one!
Here is a pic of one of the little buggers.
And another
The cubs start to work on the baits without much concern, but mom continues to pace the bait site and didn’t get comfortable. After a few minutes of pacing around, mom decides she doesn’t like something. It could have been another bear or me. I still don’t know what had her spooked. At any rate, she woofs and the cubs head for the nearest tree. One of them goes up a tree out in front of me and another goes up a tree off to my right somewhere in the brush. Bear cub number three has a different idea. He came up my tree as fast as he could go. I had a camera in one hand and my bow occupied the other arm. All I had left was a leg, so I tried to kick him on the shoulder to keep him out of my tree. I missed his shoulder and kicked him in the butt! This made him climb even faster so I hit him with my camera, which did nothing to help. Now the bear cub was getting above my head and I took one last swat. I don’t remember if I got him or not, but he was now firmly in the top of my tree. This is the EXACT thing Barry Wensel had warned me not to let happen when he was giving me tips on bear hunting during the ride to camp.
So here I am with a bear cub up over my head and a ticked off mother bear just below me and ten yards away. She was huffing, popping her teeth and bluff charging my tree.
Here is a pic of the sow and 2 of the cubs just before she gets VERY ticked at me.....
This is a pic of her headed toward my stand, just a half second before the cub gets above me. Sorry it is blurry, but things were happening quickly.
To sum up the situation; I have a cub over my head and an upset mother bear at about 10 yards. I have to figure out what to do because she wants her baby and is letting me know very clearly she aims to have that cub back! Decision time.....