Around 7 oclock I could hear popping sounds around the hill top. Uncle Barry said a Bear's nose will pop when he is smelling around so I got excited. After a little time I could hear something walking way of to my left in the woods. I continued to scan the area of the sound and prepared myself for any opportunity. The sound continued around my left in a counter clockwise direction until it was directly upwind of the stand site. Moment of truth. Is it a bear? Will he smell me? Did I use enough cover scent? Is he looking for food or sows? Will he commit to the stand. My body was on a huge adrenaline rush as I anticipated the next few moments and what would unfold. After a few seconds which seemed like several minutes, the noise continued and the ole boar finally appeard off to my left. He belined for the site and presented himself for the shot. As I looked at the bear and recalled how most of the hunters had cameras spent lots of time on stand filming the bears and letting them roam around the site I remembered five things. First, I was not seeing a lot of good bears. Second, This was the first opportunity to take a bear. Third, When and if would I get another opportunity. Fourth, Bear Tag soup probably tastes a little worse than Deer Tag Soup even though its more expensive. Finally, Kip kept saying in his Southern Gentleman Louisiana accent, " If you wanna be a Bear Hunter you gotta kill a bear".
Mind was made and hat was clear to go for the shot.