Last week I was shooting in my back yard for the Tradgang Fun shoot, and my last string broke. So I posted on the fun shoot forum that I wasn't going to be able to post a score because it was my last string and it takes about a week before I can get a new one. Not looking for anybody to take pitty just letting them know to put me down for a 0.
Shortly after that I get a PM from Mudd, asking what my address is. After a few PM's he sent me four strings no questions asked and wanting nothing in return. Now I still consider myself new to tradgang and admire so many of you on here, Mudd being one of them. In one of the PM's Mudd sent, he gave me his number and asked me to call him. To be honest I was a little nervous because I mean its Mudd! I think anybody that spends much time on Tradgang knows who Mudd is, to me he's "a big deal." He's just one of those guys I've never met but look up to.
So after trying to not be so nervous I gave him a call. We talked for about 15 minutes like we're neighbors. I was so excited after I got off the phone I told my wife I talked to MUDD! LOL she just looked and me and said "that's cool", I said "DANG RIGHT ITS COOL! It's Mudd!"
Anyways, I just wanted to show Mudd my appreciation of the string and I hope I didn't embarrass you. I think its just awesome how so many of us haven't met but it feels like we're family. So thank you Mods and everybody here for making this a special place, and a daily stop for me. THANK YOU ALL!!!