Kudos to all my bow-family!! Too numerous to mention all who have been willing to help out.
One thing I've noticed, there is something deep within the chemical makeup of trad. shooters that seems to make them great people, willing to help where they can, show understanding and appreciation for the differences in us all, waiting for the opportunity and looking forward to giving each other the "shirt off the back". Yes, it, without being too halmark-cardy, is love, the actions of being selfless and caring. I like to be around people who are "better" at it than myself because they give me GREAT examples of how to be as a human being and help me grow as a person. I appreciate all that I have been given in life and look forward to the opportunity to "help a brudder (or a sistah) out" where I can.
Now let's fling some arrows and have a good laugh. Cheers to all. Keep dat bow-love alive!!
My name is TomBow.
I am the arrow in flight carrying humanity across the earth