Alrighty. After plugging some figures into Stu's calculator, I'm a bit confused.
First off, I shoot a 50#/28" TD recurve @ 29". I have measured my shelf and its cut a full 1/4" past center. I plan to slap a strike plate on her that will bring it to dead center. I can tweak this if I have to. Now onto the decision making.
I have cheap access to Gold Tip through work, and have my eye on the affordable Hunter series. I was planning on 5575 @ around 31" with the 50 grain brass insert, a 165grain No Mercy head & 3x5" feather fletch. This would be a 9.2 GPP arrow with a 20% FOC.
According to the calculator, I actually need to step up to the 7595 to even come close to the spine I need. I realize these are heavy heads for what carbons are designed for, but can you guys verify by experience that such heavy points really need that kind of spine on a centershot recurve off the shelf.