Carry a small film canister or similar water tight container stuffed full of cotton balls thoroughly "soaked" in Vaseline. They are great fire starters, even in rain.
Carry a roll of white cotton thread to attach to the ends of your bow. Very good, cheap, biodegradable, wind inidcators.
Carry a wine bottle cork and a lighter for cheap face paint. Let one end of the cork burn a little to get enough soot to get the coverage you want. One or two tries and you will figure it out.
Carry a whistle and a cheap, small, plastic camping mirror to signal with in case you really get lost.
Arm and Hammer unscented deodorant is one of the best scent free deodorants you can buy.
Did somebody say compass? Saved my butt a few times. Trust your compass. Practice builds trust. Make a game out of using a compass with your friends/kids to feel comfortable with one. Try using one in teh dark with a flashlight to navigate out of a small area in the dark to see how well work.
If you walk out in the dark in woods and don't wear glasses, carry a cheap pair of clear safety glasses. Could save your eye.