I read your article David. That's what prompted me to build the quiver shown in my photos, but, I prefer the extra strap. I am not flexible and do not like the elbow bump method to retrieve arrows. I'm a police officer. When I reach for my handcuffs, ammo pouch, mace, or whatever is and has been on my belt for the last 21 years I need it to be where my muscle memory knows it should be. With my arrows I need them to be about 6" from my left ear. My quiver, like my utility belt, needs to be secure and where my reach will allow.
Your article was a good one. My quiver at an unbroken-in state already holds the arrows securely. Once I treat the raw leather and start using it I hope it continues to reassure me that I made the right quiver for me. So far it has.
If Scott introduces a similar quiver I'll be paying attention. His leather work is masterful. A quiver in the right leather, as in Herman Oak, will be a work of art from his hands.
If you make a lefty quiver I'll be glad to be a guinea pig.