I don't take any credit whatsoever for the bow! You were the father of the Shrew line of bows, and Gregg is the master bowyer who has given birth to each and every one of them for years now. I have had the great privilege of owning, shooting and hunting with well over a dozen of your bows over the years. There are certainly other great bows made by other talented bowyers, and I own many of them, but the Shrews are the ultimate lightweight, long draw length, smooth drawing, pointable, relatively short bows for the traditional hunter.
My Buffalo Bow is wonderful, but the new Shrew Safari is going to be even better shooting and more attractive. I envy Doug Burns for getting the original Shrew Safari, and I am upset that he is having it sent to Colorado where he will be spending much of the summer, such that I won't be able to shoot it and do a review for awhile. I have told him to bring it back to Oklahoma as soon as possible so I can get it in my hands.
Great job on a beautiful bow that Gregg and you have made a reality. It has been my dream heavy game bow, and now I can only wait to get one built for me when my name comes up again on the order list.