Been after this guy for the last 3 weeks out at my in-laws place.Got 200 or so pics of him on a trail cam and I know where he hides at , could just never get on him.No way to kill him on a feeder he would make big loops around any place he was going to eat at and wind you every time.Set up on his trails many times only to get busted I was thinking he was not ever going to meet one of my arrows.He is no giant but he was one of the smartest pigs I have ever ran across , the temp was about 104 today and a water hole with just the right wind was where he met his maker.Got him with one of my Bear TakeDown recurves with RoseOaks on it and a GT 55/75 and a Phantom.I sure love stuff you have to work hard for it just makes it that much better.,,,,,Sam,,,,