Well as I said this hog has had my number for a while now he was just plain smart.I found where he had been watering at on the far end of the tank down in a little cut.So I set up with a good wind about 75 yards from where he drops down in to his drinking spot this was yesterday at sundown.I was sitting on a big rock and had a planned route to stalk down and cut him off after he had his fill of spring water.About 10pm I could hear him up on the hill about 200 yards off run the deer off a feeder , he did his round about grunting and just letting everyone know he was out and about.I could see him with my binos in the moonlight he never ate at the feeder just walked around rubbing on trees and flipping rocks.The temp was very warm out it had been 104 during the day and this had him wanting a drink.He came my way and almost busted me he made a big loop that took him about 5 yards from me but I never had a shot guess he thought all was well and wend in for a drink.The moon was going down fast at this point so light was almost gone.As he went out of sight down into the little cut I slowly made my way in for a shot , it took a long time to get to where I needed to be as the ground here is as dry as I have ever seen.Luck was on my side cause as I made where I needed to be I could hear him on his way up so I was doing the best I could to be a rock he came up but he just stood there for about 10min or so looking around ( NO SHOT ) I was only about 15yds from him.Well he made his mind up and started walking away when he turned enough for a good shot he was about 24yds or so and the arrow took him just behind the last rib going forward and went clean out the other side.Had no idea where I hit him cause it was pretty dark now , he made a few tight circles and was not very happy about now and made a run into the brush.Not sure of the hit I sat back a while to give him some time ( had both lower bones in my left leg broke by a boar about 8 years ago after he had been hit and went after to soon , they will hit back ).After some time I went over and found a good looking arrow ( see Pic ) lot of blood on the ground so I went back to the truck and gave him another 2 hours.The track was an easy one he had only gone about 50yds.Like I said he aint the biggest I have ever killed but he was the one with the most brains.He is a very cool looking hog and on the side you cant see he is all cut up from fighting so now I need to find that guy who did that.I was shooting a Bear takedown with RoseOak limbs that are about 57# at 30in for me arrow is a GT blem with 100gr brass insert and a 125gr 4-blade phantom.Think Im going out again tonight to try for another one.