Oh my gosh man. I spent a few years at Ft. Riley and then at school at Kansas State in Manhattan. Had the time of my life. There is more hunting and fishing in that area than you can do justice too.
The Walk-In Hunting Areas will be a little bit thin over in that northeast section of the state. There are a few. **Check out the ones with a red border on the map. Those are bow hunting only.** You'll be near enough to some of the realitivly limited public land too. Milford, Tuttle, Perry Lakes. They will likely be crawling with hunters though. Kansas has recently changed the regs to allow an archery permit to be used statewide rather than in only two zones. I consider this a good thing overall, except that it means all the students and soldiers from elsewhere in the state now bowhunt near Manhattan, Lawrance, and Leavenworth rather than just when they go home for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
What you really want to do is buddy up with some of the ranchers and/or farmers in the area and hunt the backsides of their properties in the creek bottoms, far enough off the road that the
*%% road hunters don't have them all scared up all the time.