I have been working on form all spring and summer, shooting a few pounds lighter, last 3 weeks shooting only my hunting bow and arrows, shooting bh's some also. Am seeing a ton of deer, as I thought I would, due to record mast crop last year. I have seen 3 brusier bucks in the past week,several small bucks and tons of does. The big bucks I saw were, 2 in front of 2 of my go to permanent natural blinds!! They still have a lot of growing to do, but all three are between 130-160 inches, I looked at them good through a spotting scope from 200 yds, estimated close, then took off 10 inches. I dont really worry about inches or book score, but seeing great bucks gets anybody fired up. Wife is getting fired up too. I have been working over my/her hunting equipment, set a couple of stands, cut some shooting lanes, sharpened broadheads, made new bow strings and strecthed them in. I cant wait, 7 weeks baby!