Probably already listed by someone else but didnt read them all.
"The formula for earth's acceleration of gravity for someone who isn't familiar is 32fps x etc etc"
32ft/sec per sec squared is the correct rate of **ACCELERATION of gravity.** much the drop INCREASES IN SPEED per second.......not HOW MUCH it drops.
and.....calucations for gravity are generally taught to be accurate "within a vaccuum" and dont include the many things.........and there are many (most not consistant, day to day) that effect drop in flight.
Atmospheric pressure is but one of these, as you mentioned.
This is why simple calulations of drop dont exist. Each second of projectile flight is not equal in RATE of drop due to gravatational pull, the arrow is also slowing down, and other outside forces take effect as well.
Also consider that the acceleration of speed of drop due to gravity doesnt magically CHANGE in speed of drop AT each second. (no second-third gear, lol) 32fps per second is an "average" used calculating, again, in a vacuum.
The rate of gravitation pull is slowly, throughout flight, increasing in rate of drop AND the FPS of the arrow also changes every micro second. (slowing down lol)
A quick and understandable comparison is that a ball dropped off a building is dropping FASTER EACH second than the second previous to it. (actualy micro second). It is constantly increasing in speed till max gravitational pull is reached. No, I dont recall what that is.
Too difficult for me to even consider calculating.
Just some reading for you of high tech thoughts. lol but again, I do feel, personally, such calculations reduce the simple beauty of trad archery.
As nicely as I can put this...."who cares?"
Just me, sorry. No offense.
God bless