Just got here and brought the cooler up, the camera is still in the truck. Thank you, Gene, and the Manahoac Bowmen, for putting on such an enjoyable shoot.
I arrived early, and spent my coffee time down at the lake as the earliest golden rays of the sun came over the trees to make the scene warm and rich. I enjoyed watching the kingfishers at the far end of the lake, the waking-up cries of the red shouldered hawks, and the tropical calls of the yellow-billed cuckoo. The delightful coolness of the morning air slowly evaporated like the dew from the dragonflies that sprawled on the grasses nearby, and I meandered up to the range and was warmly received by the club members, who make all this happen.
David Bartholomew arrived with my new friend, Silver Wolf, so they, Gene and Dan and I trundled out onto the 3-D trail, after shooting enough arrows to loosen up, and for me to ascertain that I would not be able to hit the ground, let alone a kill zone.
The courses were fun, and some of the stake placements made shots challenging. Unlike my club's course, the terrain is rather flat, so I did not get worn out and winded on this hot, muggy day. The woods there are rich and beautiful, very healthy and alive with birds. I have never seen such meticulously maintained grounds, either! I was surprised to find one lone cigarette butt, which looked so lost and out of place that I had to seek out a trash can for it, where it could perhaps find some company and solace.
Abysmal shooting aside, I had a great time with these fine people, especially since the bugs seemed to eschew me for the more tender and tasty Silver Wolf. I think I would like to have her along on more of my outings. :D