Twelve years ago, my new bride was out on a saturday going to garage sales. She came across
a large cardboard tube full of ancient looking
cedar arrows with rotten feathers, broken knocks,
missing nocks, and some of the arrows even had self nocks. The arrow stuffed tube measured fifteen inches across, and I could tell that the shafts were cut way too short for my draw. "Look at all the arrows I found for only $5.00", she said.
Trying to look as happy about the find as she was to give it to me, I tried to pull a better looking shaft out to look at it, and it wouldn`t budge. With a little more effort I was able to
remove a couple shafts at the same time.
To my surprise, almost every arrow in that tube
had a very well preserved Zwickey, or Bear head on it. Since that time the only time I buy broadheads, is to experiment.
I don`t know what is different about them, but if you think the steel on a brand new Zwickey is good, try one from "back then".
I have no problem with Magnus heads, but Zwickey`s
are my favorite. Especially the old ones.
People talk of poor blood trails while using two edge heads,... NEVER been a problem for me.