Everyone has at one time or another had certain things happen that seem to be unbelievable. My wife and I are in our hunting camp in southwest Colorado awaiting elk season. Last week we made a trip into town to replenish the larder in the camper. On the way back to camp about 3:30 PM we rounded a curve in the gravel road and there stood a bear. He was simply walking across the road and paused momentarily to look our direction, then continued on into the oak brush. He was charcoal colored and the tips of his hair was almost pure white.
Fast forward to today. Some friends whom have a cabin close by, invited us to go on a drive up to Silverton. After spending most of the day eating and shopping we were on the way back to camp. It was 3:30 this afternoon when we were approaching the same curve. I was telling our friends about seeing the bear last week "just around this curve". Well, you will not believe it but when we rounded the curve, there in the road within feet of where it stood last week was the SAME bear, in the same pose. He moved off into the oak brush just as before so we had no time to get pictures. It was like time had stood still. Now I know stranger things have happened but this was pretty wierd.