And here it is - the old tower is fully gone, trailer and all:
A shot from the other side of the "wood pile" area now that it's gone, shows the repainted targets, and that I've raised the two bag target deer bodies (on the left) up to a more realistic height:
After I went with the trailer provider and dumped the wood, i came back and shifted the ladder stand as i said i wanted to do. Since shooting to the right was hindered by the tree, i figured I might as well face more left. This time I did use the climber to go up on the back of the tree to loosen and then re-tighten the rachet straps after shifting the stand. This shows the new position:
This shows the lane to the left that I will face more now and the repainted targets and backdrop, from the newly placed ladder stand:
Moving to the right here is the large foam target around the corner again, just for orientation :
I decided since I had shifted the stand, I also needed to shift the targets that were formerly to the front, over closer to the large foam tgt. This will also put them (except the Goose) at a better angle from the Climber stand:
Speaking of the climber stand I thought i would also take another pic of the lane to the far right (from up in the ladder stand) just to show what else I'll be shooting from the climber, and (as with all targets) from the ground, when i care to:
After the hard, hot work I was for a shower and supper. After supper, even though I was dead tired, I wanted to try shooting from the newly positioned ladder stand. I only shot my 11 arrows (at the tgts to the left, and around the corner to the front) but it went real well (three were fives, though) and the fun sort of revived me - LOL
I think I've got the whole Home Range pretty well set again now. Thanks for looking and watching.