Target hits.
Racoon and Buck - back shots:
Round Foam Deer - good first and third shots together, second one was high, right (deer newly "slimmed down" by painting in background - LOL):
Turkey - two Bad shots (left, in fan and wing tips) one good'un (in body):
Fox - one miss to left of back, low, one good'un in side:
Pig - hit was even further back than I thought - gutted him pretty bad, especially at that angle - not my best/cleanest effort:
This is a shot of Blackie, my Anneewakee Addiction 54" Recurve, hanging on the climber stand with my quiver - it just looked like a good photo op to me, as I came back from taking the pics of the targets. I'm reasonably sure Blackie was thinking, "I'm a great shot, when that old fool does his part right, snicker, snicker."
Thanks for looking, y'all.