Whoever named the quiver may have been on to something. Is it really the name of that item designed to hold our arrows? I'm not sure.
I think it best describes the reoccurring symptoms I get about every other year as I journey through my never ending quest for the "Perfect" Quiver.
I am just starting to recover from my most recent bout of this dehabilitating disease.
Whenever this disease flares up, I doubt every quiver's ability, in my possession for being the "Right", the "Perfect", and the "Best". I get possessed with reading everyone's post on their favorite Quiver. I search the Archives. I Google like crazy looking for that next perfect Quiver. This mad Quest for knowledge can range from a week to a month or more. These symptoms end when I think I have found the nest "Holy Grail" of quivers. The next series of symptoms of events vary somewhat. They either start out with me collecting all of my unpure, and imperfect quivers to remove them from my environment. I'll dispose of these quivers by selling, and trading them to another infected TradGanger. This phase of the disease can also start with my quest to research the best Price for my next "perfect" quiver. Once I have my "Perfect" quiver in my hands the symptoms disappear as quickly as they appeared. I'm certain I have found the cure for the "Quivers" because, this time I know I found the "Right", "Perfect", and "Best" Quiver ever created. Now that I'm cured, I may start a Support Group for the not so fortunate TradGangers who still battle this horrible disease that I refer to as the "QUIVERS".