Yep, the knobs are antler bases I got a while back from a fellow tradgang member. I still have a few of them to put on, butthey look really cool. I did have a incident yesterday, I was hanging stuff on the wall, and one of my Euro-mounts fell and smashed the skull to pieces. Its the buck on the right next to the deer skin. I was bummed as it was one that was almost a match tothe one on the left. SHot 'em both from the same treestand a few years apart. Oh well.
There are a lot of little things I did while putting it together. The workbench was my Dad's, as were a lot of the tools I used. you may notice the cane on the end of the bow rack, that was his as well. My Dad loved to work with wood, as do I, and I have a few things in there of his for obvious reasons. He would have loved to hang out there.
I'll probably put some laminated wood flooring in this winter, and I'm debating about doing the ceiling in pine as well, but with a slightly darker stain to it.
Still need to run the sat cable, and install the TV/DVD player so I can watch my Fred Bear videos, and of course my Tigers games while Im tinkering. Its a work in progress for sure.