The Ulitimate bowquiver? The ones today are good and not to slam any (have used almost all of them), there is room for improvement.
I would like to have a bow quiver that holds five arrows, that is mounted with arrows in front or balanced half way with bow. I would like the old style BEAR quick quiver, that is much quieter, perhaps a strap to assist in dampering sound. I would like it to securly hold my broadhead arrows. The hood will be made of a material that broadheads can be heated and placed in, to minimize wear and replacment (like Alpine). A place on the hood of quiver for a small sharpner and/or knife, or compass, or snuff. an attachment on side with bungee's for a water-proof fletch cover, that is camo or wool. Perhaps on back side of quiver, being that it is stand off bow, have an inplace hook to easily hang it on tree/brush. The most important, 1)carry arrows safely, 2) balance of arrows on bow, 3) being able to shoot quietly with it on bow. 4) Easily removed and user friendly.