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Author Topic: Experimenting W/ Weights, Footing & Results  (Read 623 times)

Offline ChristopherO

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Experimenting W/ Weights, Footing & Results
« on: June 30, 2007, 11:06:00 PM »
Today was the day to see what would happen by adding some additional items to the GT's 35/55 I've been using.  A quick call to the sport shop owner to see how much they weigh gave me his "I think" answer of 7.8 grains per inch.  OK, @ 30" that means the shaft is 234 grains.  The inserts 15 grains, the field tips are 125 grains and I suppose the feathers wouldn't be much over 10 grains if that.  All told this is in the area of 384 grains.  Thinking I may need to increase the weight for hunting I decided to tinker a bit.  First was to cut an old aluminum shaft for footing.  Been wanting to put some on for stump shooting, anyway.  Trimmed and chamfered they add another 15 grains.  Upto 399 grains, now.  On a couple of them a 50 grain .224 caliber bullet was supper glued to the back of the insert to add some heft.  With those stuck in that makes a couple of the experimental sticks at or near 449 grains.
Now to get back and see how they would fly in the various configurations out of the Martin Pioneer Longbow 50#@28" which I shoot on a daily basis and the Herter Recurve of 44#@28" which my son shoots.
The Martin LB shoots the nomal arrows pretty well as it is.  
Unaltered and with a 140 grain two blade BH it wants to shoot them left pretty fur.  
Footed alone with no extra weight and a field tip I do believe that it put the projectile in the target as cleanly as I've ever seen it 20 and 25 yards away.
Footed with the extra 50 grains attached was just plain ugly.  Quite a bit of bob n weavin and sticking into the bale way left.  Seemed that the extra weight just didn't work with the GT's and the Longbow.
The recurve was a different story.  The Broadhead shot very pretty and to point of aim.  The same is to be said of the footed only and the footed with extra weight.  No matter what I fed it the old Herter's just spit them out making me look like I can really shoot.
I suppose what I've learnt from this endevour is that the recurve is much more accepting of what is shot through it than the Longbow.  Original shafts and modified made little difference.  The Longbow is much more fickle.  The 1 1/8" footing was a good match but now I have to find the proper BH before hunting season gets here.  Any suggestions?

Offline Shawn Leonard

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Re: Experimenting W/ Weights, Footing & Results
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2007, 11:19:00 PM »
Th erecurve is cut to center or past and the LB is probably 1/8th." or more out from center. This makes spin more critical for the LB. Shawn

Offline Shakes.602

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Re: Experimenting W/ Weights, Footing & Results
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2007, 11:30:00 PM »
Very Informative "Nugget of Knowledge" there Shawn!!  Thank You  for Sharing!!  :thumbsup:    :archer:    :goldtooth:
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