While not professing to be an "expert" in any way, I am at a place in my traditional journey where I can pretty well look at the grip and riser section of a bow and know whether it will fit my style of shooting.
I have shot enough different bows to be able to tell enough about the "grip area" by even looking at a picture. The only thing that I can't tell is how thick through the throat of the grip it is........so I have occasionally been wrong, but not to often.
I have a weakness for beautiful, well designed and put together pieces of wood. What I have learned is that no matter what the whole package looks like......if I can't shoot it consistantly well, then it won't be on my rack very long.
To answer your question, I have only had the opportunity to shoot one bow before I either placed an order, bought one used or traded for one. The one that I had the chance to shoot before ordering was my Crow Creek "Blackfeather".