My wife made a comment today that her kitchen knives needed to be sharpened. I said "which ones?" She said why don't you sharpen ALL the knives. That got me to thinking. While this is not actually "ALL" my knives. It is the majority and yet I'm still making more. I need help
The road to recovery starts with admitting that you have a problem so I laid them out on a tarp.
The heavy hitters. The hard working blades. Love that Ulu.

The folders and lock backs. Some I have not even opened yet.

the fillet knives. Some of which are homemade.

Including the first two knives I ever made more than 25 years ago. A fillet knife and the 20 cent Dagger (because I have 2 dimes from 1981 in the handle)

Chicago Cutlery calls these steak knives but I use them for boning knives.

A few more homemade knives that I have hung onto. Others have gone out to folks.

I need help!!!