I accidently put in for the wrong antelope area this year. I wasn't happy as I have a sweet little spring in the neighboring area I set a blind on. Well, I drew the tag, along with an additional doe/fawn tag, and wondered where I would hunt. I had hunted this area in the past, but this year was tough. Our bad winter pushed all the antelope to the west, and very few returned to a great area, with a nice spring, that I knew about. I scouted for days, and put on many miles searching for the right spot. Most waterholes were overfull, some 100 yards across, from all the snow we had, and rain this spring. Too far for a stickbow shooter to be hunting. Plus the lack of antelope. I was frustrated, to say the least.
The other day I checked out a "small", 10,000 acre piece of private land that had a bunch of antelope in it. I work as a coyote hunter, so I'm out and about everywhere. Anyway, I knew with all these antelope here, there HAD to be water somewhere. I got permission from the landowner to hunt, and asked him about water. He says, "none". No cattle in area, so no water in the tanks. I checked everywhere for a hidden little spring or something, then found this little spot hammered with antelope tracks. I set my blind up yesterday so the antelope will be acustomed to it by the 15th, opening day of season.
I am excited again about antelope season!