I was gifted a Pro chronograph complements of Grinch, Thank you again great gift.
Got it all set up and started putting some arrows through it. First thing i noticed is that i need to work on my anchor and or release. My first 3 arrows were 175, 170 and 173. So i concentrated on getting to anchor and that helped, i started getting much more consistent speeds. I can see already this is going to be a good tool to check if i have a solid consistent anchor and release.
Any way the results for my set up are:
Black Widow PSA V Ironwood 62"
53# @ 30" drawn to 31"
So about 56# @ 31"
8 Strand Ultracam string
Drawn 3 under
Cat whiskers at 8 and 13"
MFX 340 full length 32"
50-grain brass HIT inserts
175-grain tip
3" 2016 footing
3 5" shield cut fletch
Total arrow weight 635 grains
11.3 gpp
18.8% FOC
173 fps
172 fps
172 fps
This thing is going to be a blast as well as getting some form feed back and helping with arrow setup as far as getting the best bang out of an arrow. Its going to be a great tool added to my archery tool box.
Thanks again Grinch