No need to 'fess up. You are NOT responsible for this, and it's not your fault! Like snag said, it is a genetic condition, and it is nothing to be ashamed of.
A recent report from the International Symposium on Genetic Excuses and Anomalies (the ISGEA) has just identified the HHOA gene, which explains a number of excessive tendencies... with particular evidence in the world of archery.
Their paper reports, and I quote-
An enzyme present in "normal" people which helps control excessive purchasing, eating, and BOW BUYING, is lacking in people with the HHOA gene. Resulting tendencies, largely uncontrollable, include overflowing bow racks, shrinking bank accounts, and the unrelenting need for "just ONE more bow."
The HHOA (Howard Hill Oxidase A) gene, nicknamed the "Rowan Bow-Buying Gene" in inside circles, is NOT a terminal condition. If you have it, you will not die FROM it, but you will die WITH it!
First documented in twin brothers Danny and Donald Rowan in 2007, their test case has been followed closely. Their effect from the HHOA gene was so particularly disturbing and consistent that they were "honored" by naming the entire syndrome after them.
"Sufferers" from the "Rowan Bow-Buying Gene" will show a number of abberent behaviors, including frequent online posts titled something like "I'm done buying bows!" or "That's it, NO MORE!"... followed 3-9 months later with counter-intuitive postings such as: "I went and did it again" or "Never say Never, LOL" on popular public archery sites. Latter posts also typically included detailed photos of new "trophy" (bow) acquisitions. Schafer bows seem to appear more frequently in these relapses than other types, although it is by no means exclusive to brand.
End ISGEA Quote-
With loving family support, the Rowan Bow-Buying Gene results in a life that is sustainable, but challenging, with the unintended consequence of a stable of beautiful and great-shooting bows. There is not known treatment, cure, or medicine for this sad, sad condition at this juncture. All we can do is pray for them... and be ready to snap up their amazing cast-offs as they inexorably come to the market!
To protect yourself when in contact with someone with the HHOA Rowan Bow-Buying Gene, you can really only do two things: DO NOT get between them and a bow they have set their eyes upon, and- please- DO NOT EVER believe them when they say they are "done buying bows!!!!!!!"
Beautiful bow, Donald. Congratulations!! (And remember, it's NOT your fault!)