As previously submitted:
“In archery terms, this simple equation states that the force slowing the arrow down (mainly air resistance) is proportional to the mass of the arrow and how quickly it decelerates.” – I agree!!!
“Because the two arrows have the same frontal profile, the air resistance will be the same “ . – I disagree!!!!!
As the arrow’s velocity increases, the air resistance increases exponentially. The resistance of air as the medium is reliant on the square of the arrow’s velocity (assuming like arrows). In other words, if the arrow’s velocity doubles, the resistance increases by a factor of four.
Notes: Increasing momentum may definitely be an attribute by increasing wt., since momentum is a unidirectional force vector: however bottom line for me is over-all terminal performance.
Just some other related significant factors:
Shaft flex has proven to be a major factor in impeding penetration. The shorter the forward lever arm, the stiffer that section is and the less it flexes at release, paradox and impact.
Penetration enhanced arrow designs, weighing well over 100 grains less than tuned normal FOC arrows with same point configuration may have greater penetration – formally documented as well as discerned from own observations. Optimized arrow designs could permit up to 35 -40% reduction in arrow mass to achieve similar penetration.
It’s reasonably certain that there is progressing increasing rate of penetration as FOC continues to climb above 19%. The rate of penetration gain is progressively increasing as the FOC climbs. Still under substantiation and validation- When comparing virtually identical tuned arrows where one is 19% and the other is 32% Ultra-FOC, the penetration gain preliminary results indicate a 7.4% penetration increase for every 1% FOC increase.
Test for yourself, then decide for the results are easily discernable and you won’t have to take for granted what has been merely documented. If I couldn’t easily discern the difference, then I wouldn't bother with them nor recommend anyone to validate this for themselves. Instilling your own confidence is paramount.